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The Science

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“We just did a study on yoga for people with PTSD. We found that yoga was more effective than any medicine that people have studied up to now. That doesn't mean that yoga cures it, but yoga makes a substantial difference in the right direction.”

Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD

The Vagus Nerve

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  • Neuroplasticity is the ability for pathways in the brain to change over time, which studies show can happen at any age.

  • The neurons that fire together, wire together.

  • Reciting affirmations increases activity in the medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate, connected to self-related processing. When these areas of the brain are strong, they can help protect us from painful, negative or threatening information.

  • Affirmations can help effectively lower stress and rumination, both of which contribute to anxiety and depression.

  • In TRY, we work with neuroplasticity in the following ways:

    • Self-Regulation for Resilience

    • Repeatedly rebalancing the nervous system

    • Positive affirmations

    • Mindfulness practices like Meditation, Breath, Syncing breath and movement

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