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Help Empower Syrians in our Upcoming Program 

接下来的 20 小时 TRY 教师培训将于2022 年3 月 11 日至 12 日在库尔德斯坦杜霍克亲自举行。 不需要瑜伽经验。


Syria has been severely impacted by violence and conflict over the last decade - Northeast Syria (NES) AKA Rojava being no exception - and the recent earthquake in February 2023 only exacerbated the already unstable situation for residents.


Partnering with Kulturvan Organization in the town of Amuda, we'll be serving members of the community and local humanitarian workers in the area.

Our partner, Kulturvan, is a non-profit organization and cultural center, developing and promoting yoga and art, and encouraging exchanges with similar organizations to increase opportunities and creativity for children, young people and adults in order to support the civil society.

20 小时 TRY 培训涵盖的内容:
  • 创伤心理学

  • 迷走神经和身心连接

  • 管理触发器

  • 尝试垫序列

  • 创伤的冥想和咒语

  • 创伤的呼吸技巧

  • 尝试椅子序列

  • 正念运动(TRY for Youth)

  • 关于在课堂上说什么和做什么的注意事项

  • 如何与不同的人群一起工作

  • 应对同情疲劳

  • 在您的社区中实施 TRY 的后续步骤

  • 经历过创伤

  • 照顾经历过创伤的人 

  • 专业地为创伤提供咨询

  • 想要加深自己对创伤、自我调节、冥想和肯定、呼吸和运动的了解

  • 练习或教授瑜伽,并希望将他们的技能扩展到对创伤敏感的瑜伽

The Program:

2-Day Online Teacher Training

We will conduct 2-3 trainings, the first one being in September 2023.


Upon completing the training, participants will have opportunities to practice and receive feedback on a weekly basis, both in-person and online. In order to teach in the community, they must first submit a video of themselves teaching the class, receive feedback, and official approval.

Paid Teacher Placement

Teachers will having ongoing opportunities to teach Trauma Recovery Yoga to adults and children in the Kulturvan Center in Amouda, Syria.

When You Donate...


You provide 2 yoga mats for Syrian participants


You provide the weekly salary for our part-time Field Coordinator


You pay the monthly salary for a part-time TRY teacher


You provide the monthly salary for our part-time Field Coordinator


You help provide 4 full yoga classes in Syria


You sponsor our entire team of TRY instructors in NES for 1 month

tasneem class.png

成为 TRYb 的一部分

in partnership with
kulturvan logo.jpeg

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