Our current program in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) has included the training of 27 Trauma Recovery Yoga (TRY) instructors and further mentoring of 10 of those Instructors, who have since been teaching TRY in their communities since March 1, 2023. Our teachers include Syrian refugees and local host community members.
The Program
2-Day Online Teacher Training
We conducted two 2-day TRY Teacher trainings in Duhok governorate (KRI) to 27 individuals in June 2022.
Upon completing the trainings, we began our mentorship portion of the program. Participants had access to our exclusive members' site to further support them in preparing to teach TRY classes. In addition, our team met in person bi-weekly and online weekly for 2 months to practice and give in-person feedback.
Paid Teacher Placement
Our TRY teachers have been teaching weekly classes in their communities since March 1, 2023.
المحتوى الذي تمت تغطيته في تدريب TRY لمدة 20 ساعة:
علم نفس الصدمة
العصب المبهم واتصال العقل والجسم
إدارة المشغلات
جرب تسلسل حصيرة
التأمل والتعويذة للصدمة
تقنيات التنفس للصدمات
تسلسل كرسي TRY
حركات واعية (جرب للشباب)
افعل ولا تفعل بشأن ما يجب قوله وفعله في الفصل
كيف تعمل مع مجموعات متنوعة من الناس
التعايش مع تعب الرحمة
الخطوات التالية لتطبيق TRY في مجتمعك
تيسير التدريبات
Our Global Impact
كن جزءًا من TRYb
sponsored by
We're grateful to our sponsor, RPS Partnership, a company providing risk management training and consultancy services to organizations around the world.
When You Donate...
You provide 2 yoga mats for our class participants
You provide the weekly salary for our part-time Field Coordinator
You pay the monthly salary for a part-time TRY teacher
You sponsor 10 ongoing TRY classes in Kurdistan for an entire month
You help provide 4 full yoga classes in Kurdistan
You sponsor our entire team of TRY instructors in Kurdistan for 1 month