Media Appearances
Joyce Bosen's tedx talk
Brenda Hershey's tedx talk
Trauma Recovery Through Yoga
Aide Humanitaire Journalisme
In this episode, Sahar Moukaddem, AHJ’s Country Director in Iraq, sits down with Brenda Hershey, Executive Director of TRY Global, to discuss the transformative role of yoga in trauma recovery.
Meeting Trauma Survivors
Where They're At
In this episode of The Ambition Incubator podcast with Deidre Morrison, hear our Executive Director Brenda Hershey shed light on how TRY Global is doing just that.
Tune into this episode of Radiyogram on Rudaw English's
program, as TRY Global's Founder sits down with Ayub Nori, renowned author and journalist. They discuss trauma, TRY Global's work in the region, and cultural challenges to navigate for the new international organization.
Navigating Purpose: Making the Hard Decisions, Easy
Brenda Hershey spoke on this online expert series, speaking on the ups, downs and all arounds of living in alignment with your purpose! For her, that purpose is inextricably tied to TRY Global.
Iraqi News Feature
Our Executive Director was featured on Iraqi News Channel Dijla "Tigris" regarding her participation in the 2nd Annual Breaking Boundaries Conference in Sulimaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, where she spoke on Kurdish Intergenerational Trauma and Resilience.
Meditation For Trauma And Conflict Survivors
Tune into Brenda Hershey speaking with Aaron Weintraub of KurdistanIN as they discuss the impact of trauma on the body, the science of yoga and TRY Global's work in the Middle East.
How to Get Sh*t Done by Regulating Your Nervous System
Don't miss this free online expert series around Momentum, where our Executive Director talks with Host Taylor Garrett about the role of the nervous system in Momentum. 21 Days. 21 Experts. 21 Minutes a Day - delivered straight to your inbox!

The Role of Mind-Body Methods
in Healing
Our Executive Director was honored to be invited to speak on the first Summit on At & Alternative Therapy in Iraq. She speaks alongside a Certified Art Therapist of the UK, a professional singer in France, and a medical doctor + pianist in Iraq.
Using Neuroscience and Trauma Recovery Yoga to Create Healing Worldwide
Our Executive Director spoke with Christine Okezie, a Holistic Nutritionist, Transformational Life Coach and Kundalini instructor, about TRY and our work around the world.
Brain Awareness Week by the Neurodevelopmental Institute
In this special Brain Awareness Week event, we talk to Brenda Hershey of TRY Global about her work with Trauma Recovery Yoga in Ukraine and Kurdistan. Brenda takes us through a seated practice to help us experience these gentle techniques first hand, and explains why 'all yoga is good, but not all yoga is good for trauma'.
Mind-Body Medicine:
How Trauma Lives in the Body & What to do About it
In this episode, Brenda talks with Dr. Stephan Neff, a doctor who himself has had PTSD, recovering alcoholic, and author of "My Steps to Sobriety."
TRY Global: Who Are We & Why Does It Matter
In this episode of Canyouth's Exploration, our Executive Director speaks with Dr. Canute White about her personal ties to TRY Global's mission, trauma recovery more generally, and her team's work in the Middle East.
The Spirit Channel w/ Brenda Hershey
In this episode of The Spirit Channel, Brenda spoke with Host Zenith from Ireland, and covered a wide variety of topics from TRY to the passing of Brenda's father, its impact on her life and her purpose.