Bibin Hîndekarê TRY
Di 20 saetê de perwerdeya mamosteyan TRY din dê li kesê li ser adar 11-12, 2022 li Duhok, Kurdistan lidarxistin. Tecrûbeya yogayê ne hewce ye.
Naveroka ku di Perwerdehiya TRY ya 20 Saet de hatî vegirtin:
Psîkolojiya trawmayê
Têkiliya Nerve û Hiş-Laş Vagus
Birêvebirina Triggers
TRY rêzika mat
Meditation û Mantra ji bo trawmayê
Teknîkên nefesê ji bo trawmayê
Rêzeya Serokê TRY
Tevgerên Hişmendî (TRY ji bo Ciwanan)
Di dersê de çi dibêjin û çi dikin dikin û nakin
Meriv çawa bi komên cihêreng ên mirovan re dixebite
Bi westandina dilovaniyê re mijûl dibin
Pêngavên paşîn ên li ser pêkanîna TRY di civata we de
Ev Kurs ji bo her kesê ku hêja ye:
Bi travmayê re derbas bûye
Kesê ku travmayê jiyaye xem dike
Ji bo şêwirmendiya trawmayê bi profesyonelî dixebite
Dixwaze zanîna xwe li ser trawma, xwerêveberî, medîtasyon û erêkirin, hilm û tevgerê kûr bike.
Yogayê dike an hîn dike û dixwaze jêhatîbûnên xwe di yoga-hesas a trawmayê de berfireh bike.
Bibin beşek ji TRYb
What makes the TRY method unique is its grounding in neuroscience and understanding of how the brain processes trauma.
TRY stands for “Trauma Recovery Yoga” or “Total Resilience Yoga," and is for everyone, not just for people who have experienced trauma in their lives. The TRY method uses neuroplasticity to help build resilience, making people better able to regulate themselves when faced with difficult situations.
You'll acquire new tools that'll propel you on your healing journey, strengthening your mind-body connection, and helping you to facilitate others’ recovery from trauma. Our training includes practical techniques on and off the yoga mat.
This training will also prepare you to work with populations in crisis, as we discuss and analyze the obstacles and benefits of practicing and teaching yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques to vulnerable populations.
All trainees will walk away with new tools and the knowledge of the science behind these tools, and will have practiced guiding their peers through each class.
When You Enroll In Our Certified TRY Teacher Training, You Will Receive These Benefits:
16 hours of interactive, in-person information and practice leading the TRY method
A bottle of TRY essential oil, a deck of I AM affirmation cards, a workbook and Certificate of Completion
In-person feedback and mentoring throughout the week-long training
An official TRY teaching certification in your chosen class(es
Exclusive access to our members' site & updated resources
Ongoing support and mentorship for teaching TRY
Support to teach Trauma Recovery Yoga in your community
Upon completing the training, you will receive a Certificate of Completion and an official TRY Teacher Certification in your chosen class(es). You can choose from any/all of the following classes to focus on and complete during the training:
1. the full TRY class (on the mat)
2. the TRY chair class
3. the TRY children's class (Mindful Movements)
4. Self-Regulation for Resilience (SRR) practice
During the training, you'll be granted access to TRY Global's exclusive online members-only programs, which will help you prepare for the final audition with the TRY Global team. These "auditions" will take place the last two days of the training.
After the training, you have the option to continue working through the members' site and gain additional certifications at no cost.
Upon completing your certification, you can then teach TRY in your community and with those you serve, if you wish.
Our goal is to train passionate individuals to be skilled, confident and empowered TRY instructors.
Bi Trainers re hevdîtin bikin
Brenda Hershey
Brenda Rêvebirê Rêvebirê TRY Global e, nivîskarek û mirovahî agahdarê trawmayê ye. Bi ezmûna du salan a li KRI-yê ku bi nifûsa jicîhûwar re dixebite, ew li ser mîsyonek e ku valahiyên di hewildanên mirovahî yên kevneşopî de tijî bike bi parvekirina van amûrên hiş-bedenê yên sade lê kûr ên ku ji bo wê û gelek kesên din, jiyan-guhêrbar e.
Avan Koçer
Avan azmûna xwe ya di xebatên mirovahî yên li Kurdistanê û perwerdeya biyolojî de, û hewesa xwe ya ji bo alîkarîkirina mirovan ji trawmayê xilas bike, tîne perwerdeyê. Ew her weha wergêra bernameyê bû ji bo destwerdana nû ya TRY bi jinên êzîdî û mirovhezên herêmî yên li KRI re, ku bi îngilîzî, erebî û kurdî baş diaxivî.
Avan Koçer
Avan azmûna xwe ya di xebatên mirovahî yên li Kurdistanê û perwerdeya biyolojî de, û hewesa xwe ya ji bo alîkarîkirina mirovan ji trawmayê xilas bike, tîne perwerdeyê. Ew her weha wergêra bernameyê bû ji bo destwerdana nû ya TRY bi jinên êzîdî û mirovhezên herêmî yên li KRI re, ku bi îngilîzî, erebî û kurdî baş diaxivî.