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तीन कंपनियां, एक मिशन।

Trauma Recovery Yoga TRY Global About Neuroscience and Yoga to Create Healing Worldwide

TRY Global is the global entity of the TRY Method based in the US. Our focus is on bringing the TRY Method to displaced and vulnerable populations worldwide; currently based in Iraqi Kurdistan with plenty of virtual offerings transcending borders.


Visit the JoyWins website and see what Joyce and Darwin Bosen, Founders of the TRY Method, are offering! Workshops covering self-regulation for resilience (SRR); trauma informed practices for mind body workers; meditation, visualization, and affirmation techniques; compassion fatigue; breath work and more!

Trauma Recovery Yoga the TRY method las vegas

Trauma Recovery Yoga, also known as The TRY Method, is the "home base" and original TRY entity based in the US. For a selection of online and in person classes as well as a YouTube library of TRY classes and their 20-hour teacher trainings, click on the image to learn more!

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